• Honda News


Honda “Xcelerates” Startup Collaboration in Europe


Honda Innovations is working with Honda operations globally to establish startup liaisons, providing protocols and best practices identifying and engaging with startups and entrepreneurs who share Honda’s vision for transforming mobility.

Talk of Prof. Dr. Alexander Gepperth at HRI-EU


On 22 November 2017 Prof. Dr. Alexander Gepperth from Fulda University of Applied Sciences will visit our institute and he will give a talk on “Catastrophic forgetting – a comprehensive investigation“.

Talk of Andreas Richter at Deloitte Greenhouse in Berlin


On 21 November 2017 Andreas Richter, director of Honda Research Institute Europe, will give a talk on “Cooperative Intelligence – a human centered AI approach. Machine Ethics at the Honda Research Institute Europe” in the working group ethics („AG Ethik“).

„FACE THE ROBOT!” – Design Competition: Decision on Winners!


With 58 submissions, the “Face the robot competition” of the Honda Research Institute Europe officially closed on Sunday, the 22.10.2017.
We were thrilled by all the great ideas and would like to thank all participants for their contributions!

Talk of Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz at HRI-EU


On 10 November 2017 Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz from University of Bremen will visit our institute and he will give a talk on „Everyday Activity Science and Engineering (EASE)”.

Talk of Dr. Thomas Stützle at HRI-EU


On 26 September 2017 we will have a visit from Dr. Thomas Stützle of the Free University of Brussels and he will give a talk on ‘Automated Algorithm Design: Automatically generating high-performance algorithms’.



Cologne, September 12, 2017 – Online Challenge: 20 K prize money for a robot head and its interaction design.
In cooperation with hack.institute Cologne, Honda Research Institute Europe is looking for an innovative design for a head and face of its multi-entity research platform consisting of a mobile assistant robot, a table-top robot and a virtual avatar.
Further information of the Honda Design Challenge: www.face-the-robot.com

Continue reading “FACE THE ROBOT! Online Challenge”

Talk of Prof. Dr. Günther Raidl at HRI-EU


On 15 September 2017 Prof. Dr. Günther Raidl from the TU Vienna will visit our institute and present his research on ‘Hybrid Metaheuristics for Optimization Problems in Public Bike Sharing Systems.’

Dr. Heiko Wersing has been appointed honorary professor at the Bielefeld University


Bielefeld, 05.07.2017
Dr. Heiko Wersing, Chief Scientist at the Honda Research Institute Europe, has been conferred the position of Professor at the Faculty of Technology of Bielefeld University (Honorarprofessur).

Camera system for a robotic lawn mower developed at HRI


This article has been accepted for publication in the 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops.
