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Predictive behaviour generation - A sensor-based walking and reaching architecture for humanoid robots

Michael Gienger, Bram Bolder, Mark Dunn, Hisashi Sugiura, Herbert Janßen, Christian Goerick, "Predictive behaviour generation - A sensor-based walking and reaching architecture for humanoid robots", Autonome Mobile Systeme 2007, issue siebte, pp. 275-281, 2007.


This contribution presents a sensor-based walking and reaching architecture for humanoid robots. It enables a humanoid robot to interact with its environment using a smooth whole body motion control driven by stabilized visual targets. Interactive selection mechanisms are used to switch between behavior alternatives for searching or tracking objects as well as different whole body motion strategies for reaching. The decision between different motion strategies is made based on internal predictions that are evaluated by parallel running instances of virtual whole-body controllers. The results show robust object tracking and a smooth interaction behavior that includes a large variety of whole-body postures.

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