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Visualizing risk areas using augmented reality glasses as advanced driver-assistance system

Chao Wang and Derck Chu, "Visualizing risk areas using augmented reality glasses as advanced driver-assistance system", AUTO UI 23, 2023.


In complex driving scenarios, drivers often face the challenge of making quick decisions regarding the safety of crossing intersections or entering roundabouts. These decisions, prone to human error, can compromise road safety and driving efficiency. The recent advancements in augmented reality (AR) glasses hold significant potential for assisting drivers in avoiding such dangers. Unlike traditional AR heads-up displays (HUDs), AR glasses provide a larger field-of-view. While previous research has proposed various driving-assistance concepts using simulated displays, only a few have explored actual implementation or experimentation with real AR glasses. This study introduces a novel concept of visualizing risks through AR for driving assistance systems. We have designed and implemented three different interfaces specifically tailored for real AR glasses, integrating them into a driving simulator system. To evaluate the effectiveness of AR glasses in driving assistance, we plan to conduct experiments based on this platform in the future.

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