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Human-Robot cooperative object manipulation with contact changes

Michael Gienger, Dirk Ruiken, Tamas Bates, Mohamed Regaieg, Michael Meißner, Jens Kober, Philipp Seiwald, Arne-Christoph Hildebrandt, "Human-Robot cooperative object manipulation with contact changes", 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2018.


This paper presents a system for cooperatively manipulating large objects with a human and a robot. This physical interaction system is designed to handle, transport or rotate objects in cooperation with a human. Unique points are the bi-manual physical cooperation, the sequential characteristic of the cooperation including re-grasping, and a novel architecture combining force interaction queues, interactive search-based planning, and online trajectory and motion generation. The concepts are evaluated on a bi-manual mobile robot with 32 degrees of freedom.

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