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Identification of Energy Management Configuration Concepts from a Set of Pareto-optimal Solutions

Felix Lanfermann, Qiqi Liu, Yaochu Jin, Sebastian Schmitt, "Identification of Energy Management Configuration Concepts from a Set of Pareto-optimal Solutions", Energy Conversion and Management: X, vol. 22, pp. 100576, 2024.


Optimizing building configurations for an efficient use of energy is increasingly receiving attention by current research and several methods have been developed to address this task. Selecting a suitable configuration based on multiple conflicting objectives, such as initial investment cost, recurring cost, robustness with respect to uncertainty of grid operation is, however, a difficult multi-criteria decision making problem. Concept identification can facilitate a decision maker by sorting configuration options into semantically meaningful groups (concepts), further introducing constraints to meet trade-off expectations for a selection of objectives. In this study, for a set of 20000 Pareto-optimal building energy management configurations, resulting from a many-objective evolutionary optimization, multiple concept identification iterations are conducted to provide a basis for making an informed investment decision. In a series of subsequent analysis steps, it is shown how the choice of description spaces, i.e., the partitioning of the features into sets for which consistent and non-overlapping concepts are required, impacts the type of information that can be extracted and that different setups of description spaces illuminate several different aspects of the configuration data--an important aspect that has not been addressed in previous work.

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