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Design for Collaborative Intelligence: from Connected Vehicle, Autonomous Driving to Robotics.

Chao Wang, "Design for Collaborative Intelligence: from Connected Vehicle, Autonomous Driving to Robotics. ", Jiangnan University (Wuxi, China) online Forum, 2022.


The aim of the intelligent system should be enhancing human’s ability instead of replacing them. There is a much larger space for humans and AI to complement each other than compete, because their advantages are located in different aspects. This complementarity can be called Collaborative Intelligence(CI), which enables machines to achieve goals in complex environments together with human. CI requires mutual understanding and seamless communication between the two entities. To achieve it, we need to develop novel input/output technology, in-depth interpret human’s cognitive processes and build up suitable machine learning models. In this presentation, I will introduce my previous exploration of human-intelligent system cooperation in 3 topics: Firstly, reduce conflicts of sharing the road (road rage) among drivers through mediation of the intelligent system; Secondly, enhance the user experience of the automated/autonomous driving through situational awareness and prediction-level intervention. Thirdly, increase the efficiency and pleasure of teaching life-long learning robots through explainable AI. It is expected that the research would contribute to creating interpretable, trustable and personalised intelligent systems as well as effortless and enjoyable interaction methods.

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