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Jan Leusmann, Chao Wang, Sven Mayer, Michael Gienger, Albrecht Schmidt, "Understanding the Uncertainty Loop of Human-Robot Interaction", Workshop paper of CHI 23, 2023.


Recently the field of Human-Robot Interaction gained popularity, due to the wide range of possibilities of how robots can support humans during daily tasks. One form of supportive robots are socially assistive robots which are specifically built for communicating with humans, e.g., as service robots or personal companions. As they understand humans through artificial intelligence, these robots will at some point make wrong assumptions about the h...

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Noah Wach, " Data re-uploading with a single qudit", Quantum Research Seminars Toronto, 2023.


Invited Talk at Quantum Research Seminar Toronto...

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Zhenpeng Shi, Nikolay Matyunin, Kalman Graffi, David Starobinski, "Uncovering CWE-CVE-CPE Relations with Threat Knowledge Graphs", arXiv, 2023.


Security assessment relies on public information about products, vulnerabilities, and weaknesses. So far, databases in these categories have rarely been analyzed in combination. Yet, doing so could help predict unreported vulnerabilities and identify common threat patterns. In this paper, we propose a methodology for producing and optimizing a knowledge graph that aggregates knowledge from common threat databases (CVE, CWE, and CPE). We apply the...

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Anna Belardinelli, "Gaze-based intention estimation: principles, methodologies, and applications in HRI", arxiv, 2023.


Intention prediction has become a relevant field of research in Human-Machine and Human-Robot Interaction. Indeed, any artificial system (co)-operating with and along humans, designed to assist and coordinate its actions with a human partner, would benefit from first inferring the human’s current intention. To spare the user the cognitive burden of explicitly uttering their goals, this inference relies mostly on behavioral cues deemed indica...

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Sebastian Schmitt, "Data re-uploading with qudits and other qudit applications", Fermilab QIS/HEP seminar, 2023.


Invited talk on published papers at the Fermilab QIS/HEP seminar. ...

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Frank Joublin, Antonello Ceravola, Jörg Deigmöller, Michael Gienger, Mathias Franzius, Julian Eggert, "A Glimpse in ChatGPT Capabilities and its impact for AI research", arXiv, 2023.


Large language models (LLMs) have recently become a popular topic in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research, with companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple (GAFA) investing heavily in their development. These models are trained on massive amounts of data and can be used for a wide range of tasks, including language translation, text generation, and question answering. However, the computational resources required to train ...

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Qiqi Liu, Yaochu Jin, Martin Heiderich, Tobias Rodemann, "Coordinated Adaptation of Reference Vectors and Scalarizing Functions in Evolutionary Many-objective Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 763-775, 2023.


It is highly desirable to adapt the reference vectors to unknown Pareto fronts in decomposition based evolutionary many-objective optimization. While adapting the reference vectors enhances the diversity of the achieved solutions, it often decelerates the convergence performance. To address this dilemma, we propose to adapt the reference vectors and the scalarizing functions in a coordinated way. On the one hand, the adaptation of the reference v...

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Thomas Weisswange, Hifza Javed, Manuel Dietrich, Tuan Pham, Maria Parriera, Michael Sack, Nawid Jamali, "What Could a Social Mediator Robot Do? Lessons from Real-World Mediation Scenarios", 40th IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023) Workshop: Towards a Balanced Cyberphysical Society: A Focus on Group Social Dynamics, 2023.


The use of social robots as instruments for social mediation has been gaining traction in the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The design of such robots and their behaviors is often driven by technological platforms and experimental set-ups which can be created in a laboratory. To gain relevance for changing social relations of people in the real world however, it is also important to incorporate existing needs and implications of every...

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Leonore Röseler, Ingo Scholtes, Christoph Gote, "A Network Perspective on the Influence of Code Review Bots on the Structure of Developer Collaborations", 16th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE 2023), 2023.


Background: Despite a growing body of literature on the impact of software bots on open source software development teams, their effects on team communication, coordination, and collaboration practices are not well understood. Bots can have negative consequences, such as producing information overload or reducing interactions between developers. Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of specific GitHub Actions on the ...

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Christiane Attig, Tim Schrills, Markus Gödker, Christiane Wiebel, Patricia Wollstadt, Thomas Franke, "Enhancing Trust in Smart Charging Agents—The Role of Traceability for Human-Agent-Cooperation", HCI International 2023 – Late Breaking Papers. HCII 2023., vol. 14059, 2023.


Introduction and background: The EU aims for climate neutrality by 2050, which necessitates a comprehensive transformation of the transport sector, including a 90% reduction in emissions [3]. Consequently, the demand for electric vehicles (EVs) will strongly rise within the next years. It has been argued that this demand will pose a challenge for the stability of the power grid [6] – particularly if EVs are charged with renewable electr...

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